
Model:WT1800E High-Performance Power Analyzer

Place of Origin:Japan


One Instrument for your Complete System Measurement Needs

  • Simultaneous Electrical Power Measurements of up to 6 Voltages and 6 Currents at 2MS/s (16 bits)

  • Mechanical parameters such as Rotational Speed & Direction, Torque, Slip, Electrical Angle, Mechanical Power, and Motor Efficiency


Peace of Mind with

Guaranteed Accuracy

  • Basic Power Accuracy of 0.05% of reading +/- 0.05% of range, guaranteed from 1% to 110% of the selected range

  • Direct Inputs for Voltage & Current, plus an External Input for Sensor connections

  • Independent Range Configuration with Selective Auto-ranging for repetitive production testing


Say Goodbye to

Unwanted Harmonics

  • Analyze up to 500th order of Harmonics for 50/60Hz fundamental signals

  • Multiple harmonic parameters such as THD, HDF, THF, and Impedance

  • Dual Harmonic feature to analyze both input and output of inverters


Forge ahead and lead the industry.
